About Sustainable Neighbourhoods
Reducing Lake Macquarie's ecological footprint, neighbourhood by neighbourhood
The Sustainable Neighbourhood Program is an initiative of Lake Macquarie City Council to assist the Lake Macquarie community to decide how they can contribute to sustainability as individuals and as a group. Contact 4921 0333 or www.lakemac.com.au to find out more about the Program. This website is managed by Sustainable Neighbourhood Group volunteers, through the Lake Macquarie Sustainable Neighbourhood Alliance (Inc). Sustainable Neighbourhood groups are made up of local residents who care about their neighbourhood, and are committed to working together to make it more sustainable. Each Sustainable Neighbourhood Group engages widely with their community to develop a Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan or SNAP. Each SNAP summarises:
Sustainable Neighbourhoods is an initiative of Lake Macquarie City Council.
This website was developed with support from Lake Macquarie City Council, with assistance from the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust.
This website was developed with support from Lake Macquarie City Council, with assistance from the New South Wales Government through its Environmental Trust.