5. Yowarro
I am a Yowarro (Aboriginal name from the Illawarra) [1]
Tuckeroo Cupaniopsis anacardioides We were planted in 1996 as part of the "Hear The Art" sculpture.
We are small to medium size trees, growing up to 8 m high, and sometimes up to 14m. [2] We have cream flowers in Autumn, that turn into bright orange fruit in the spring. Our fruit feeds the birds. [3] Our flowers and leaves feed butterflies and caterpillars. [4] Our home range is from Illawarra region [6] to Townsville in Queensland. [2] I am mainly found in littoral rainforests and scrub areas along the coast. [6] |
1. Robinson L. 2003 Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney. Kangaroo Press, Sydney
2. Holl & Hill 1979 A field guide to Australian Trees. p. 76 Rigby Ltd.
3. Moreland City Council moreland.vic.gov.au/living-in-moreland/environment/trees/tree-finder/cupaniopsis-anacardioides. Accessed 14 June 2022
4. Coffs Harbour Butterfly House Maze and Tea Rooms lepidoptera.butterflyhouse.com.au/plants/sapi/cupaniopsis-anacardioides. Accessed 1 June 2022
5. Plant Native! plantnative.com.au/product/tuckeroo. Accessed 14 June 2022
6. Gardens Online gardensonline.com.au/gardenshed/plantfinder/show_1674. Accessed 14 June 2022
7. PlantNET -Flora Online
plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Cupaniopsis~anacardioides. Accessed 1 June 2022
1. Robinson L. 2003 Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney. Kangaroo Press, Sydney
2. Holl & Hill 1979 A field guide to Australian Trees. p. 76 Rigby Ltd.
3. Moreland City Council moreland.vic.gov.au/living-in-moreland/environment/trees/tree-finder/cupaniopsis-anacardioides. Accessed 14 June 2022
4. Coffs Harbour Butterfly House Maze and Tea Rooms lepidoptera.butterflyhouse.com.au/plants/sapi/cupaniopsis-anacardioides. Accessed 1 June 2022
5. Plant Native! plantnative.com.au/product/tuckeroo. Accessed 14 June 2022
6. Gardens Online gardensonline.com.au/gardenshed/plantfinder/show_1674. Accessed 14 June 2022
7. PlantNET -Flora Online
plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au/cgi-bin/NSWfl.pl?page=nswfl&lvl=sp&name=Cupaniopsis~anacardioides. Accessed 1 June 2022