A review of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) was held at our last meeting and the following achievements noted and suggestions made on how we can continue our work in the local area.
1. Litter Clean Up
The West Wallsend District Sustainable Neighbourhood Group welcomes you along to our free monthly meetings to join in the discussions and the work being done for our local area.
The group meets on the third Monday of the month at 6.30pm at Mum's Cottage. rear of the Anglican Church, St Helen's St, Holmesville.
1. Litter Clean Up
- Cleaned up rubbish in Edden Street adjacent to the swimming pool with the assistance of Council’s Eco-Angel project.
- Cleaned up rubbish in Appletree Road for two years on Clean Up Australia Day.
- Two members have been trained as Landcare leaders. A suitable project is yet to be chosen.
- Assisted Landcare on two occasions to revegetate the creek in Elizabeth Street Holmesville to prevent erosion of the banks.
- Made a submission to Council to retain the former school site in Killingworth as a nature reserve after it was proposed for development. This site has now been protected.
- Future: If the Community Garden proceeds this would be an excellent location to propagate and distribute local native plants.
- Future: Conduct a bird survey to provide a baseline upon which to measure the impact of any development. Hunter Bird Observers Club may be contacted for support.
- Organised a talk by Council ranger on illegal dumping and how to report offences. There has been a reduction in dumping in the area since this meeting.
- Currently developing a flyer and fridge magnet to raise awareness of illegal dumping.
- Submitted a proposal to Council to convert the disused Holmesville tennis courts to a Men’s Shed and Community Garden.
- Supported Council’s refurbishment of the footpath in Withers Street West Wallsend.
- Made a submission to Council to remove redundant bus stops in Appletree Road Holmesville to avoid confusion for passengers. (This has now been done).
- Future: Contact CSIRO or University to provide a speaker on solar power.
- Future: Organise a combined “eSwap” and eWaste recycling day around the beginning of Spring.
- Supported a proposal to install seats in Withers Street West Wallsend. (Done)
- Made a submission to Council to have the horse trough in Withers Street West Wallsend restored and beautified. This has been accepted and is awaiting budget allocation.
- Made a submission to Council to have the developer of Appletree Grove install street trees in Appletree Road Holmesville and Withers Street West Wallsend. (Done).
- Made a submission to Council to convert unused land in Carrington Street West Wallsend to a park and town centre. (Rejected)
- Made a submission to Council to rezone the park in Seaham Street Holmesville from Operational Use to Community Use, thus preserving the land as a park. (Now rezoned)
- (See under Community Garden)
- Provided a cash prize to each of the three local schools for students who have made significant contributions to a sustainable environment, or through service to the local community
The West Wallsend District Sustainable Neighbourhood Group welcomes you along to our free monthly meetings to join in the discussions and the work being done for our local area.
The group meets on the third Monday of the month at 6.30pm at Mum's Cottage. rear of the Anglican Church, St Helen's St, Holmesville.