7. Karjimbourra
I am a Karjimbourra (Aboriginal word from the Sydney Region) [1]
Sydney Red Gum/ Smooth-barked Apple Angophora costata I was planted here by the Geraghty family between 1974 - 1976.
I am a medium to tall tree, growing up to 30m [2], with dimpled bark that sheds in plates and flakes. My white flowers come out in late spring to summer. [3] I can be found from Narooma to Coffs Harbour and west to the Blue Mountains in New South Wales, as well as Queensland and Victoria. Lake Macquarie is a part of my home territory. |
I provide homes and hollows for a variety of animals. Sometimes my branches are seen in a dancing pose.
I look good and have colourful bark.
I am home in Lake Macquarie
I give abundant shade
I can tolerate clay, rocky and sandy soils. [3]
I look good and have colourful bark.
I am home in Lake Macquarie
I give abundant shade
I can tolerate clay, rocky and sandy soils. [3]
1. Robinson L. 2003 Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney. Kangaroo Press, Sydney
2. Lake Macquarie Landcare 2018 Gum Trees of Lake Macquarie Lake Macquarie City Council
3. Nicolle D. 2016 Taller Eucalypts for Planting in Australia, Adelaide, South Australia
4. PlantNET plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au
1. Robinson L. 2003 Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney. Kangaroo Press, Sydney
2. Lake Macquarie Landcare 2018 Gum Trees of Lake Macquarie Lake Macquarie City Council
3. Nicolle D. 2016 Taller Eucalypts for Planting in Australia, Adelaide, South Australia
4. PlantNET plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au