Camping in Rathmines Park
The "No Camping" signs recently erected in the park
"No Camping" signs have recently been erected in Rathmines Park prohibiting overnight camping in the park, an activity which has been popular with Caravan and Campervan owners following a trial period for some years.
The Rathmines Area Sustainable Neighbourhood Group has written to Council expressing a view that the total ban is not in the interests of the local community. While not condoning long term camping in the park, the group considers the presence of these travellers acts as a deterrent to anti-social behaviour and vandalism, so considers that short term camping in specific areas is of benefit to the park as well as bringing economic benefit to local businesses. Boat owners are free to anchor in the area and have close access to the facilities, so it seems logical for caravan and campervan owners to have similar access. The response from Council supported the ban with a claim that they had had complaints from residents regarding illegal camping, however a Master Plan for the area is currently being developed and the Rathmines community will have an opportunity to provide feedback on this issue during the preparation of this plan. A petition to reverse the ban on camping has now been circulated and attracted 709 signatures. This petition will be tabled at the Council meeting on Monday the 26th of February, 2018, by West Ward Councillor Wendy Harrison, and the subject is now included for discussion during consultation for preparation of the Rathmines Park Master Plan. |